February 20, 2020
Bus routes will be delayed 2 hours. Schools will be open at regular time and parents may drop off students at the usual time. Essential staff will be on duty to super...

February 11, 2020
*Use el enlace para enviar su nominación! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_CRTooQodac9N5aJCGwEyXG-7Ec5m2HwR02MH6PHmn82WrA/viewform USD 480 se complace en anunciar qu...

February 11, 2020
*Use link to submit your nomination! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkvqWIseAb2rG4E_tcZHWlqta80sbwYPeYNaX3U_01lIasPA/viewform USD 480 is pleased to announce the 202...

February 3, 2020
Download our App! Stay up to date with USD 480 announcements by downloading our app! To download, go to your phone or tablet app store, search " Liberal USD 480" to find our dist...

January 28, 2020
School is Cancelled 1/28/2020 Due to inclement weather, classes and activities are cancelled Tuesday, January 28th.
Classes will resume the 29th at regularly scheduled times. ...
January 17, 2020
Delayed Start: Friday, 1/17/2020 Bus routes will be delayed 2 hours. Schools will be open at regular time and parents may drop off students at the usual time. Essential staff will...

October 2, 2019
From your mobile device, you can see all the exciting, school happenings! Check dining menu's, sporting events, building news, and get up to date notifications on things such ...
September 23, 2019
Homecoming Dismissal September 27, 2019 1:15pm: LHS, Eisenhower, Seymour Rogers dismiss 1:30pm: MacArthur, Meadowlark, Prairie View, Cottonwood, and Sunflower dismiss - NO A...

September 16, 2019
Come join us on Tuesday, September 17th from 5-6:30 pm for our Open House & Grandparents Day Celebration!!!

July 26, 2019
Check out information about the New Educator Information Fair! New Teacher Information Fair Link Deadline to register is Tuesday, August 6, 2019